Punta Cana Destiny

The epicenter of tourism, all inclusive, where the bars seem to outnumber the grains of sand If I were to tell a Dominican anywhere in the world you visited your country, mention Punta Cana serve as proof that it was. 

It is deservedly popular because of its beaches rival those anywhere in the Caribbean, with respect to the warm aquamarine waters and soft white texture; however, a trip here involves both love the bars in the pool and was bronzed rub elbows with people of similar ideas. 

More than 24,000 hotel rooms from Punta Cana to El Macao, more than one way, moving in extraordinarily high palm trees lining the coast. Punta Cana, name used for the entire region, it is actually a misnomer. Most resorts are scattered around the beaches of Bavaro, really are nothing but a series of small shopping centers and Cortecito, which are a few shops next to a "beach town". 

Punta Cana, the eastern end of the country and where the airport is located, has some of the most luxurious resorts and golf courses attached to the Caribbean.

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